Social Services Sector Training & Education Plan

SURVEY: Reducing Employee Stress and Burnout

This survey is part of the Social Services Sector Training and Education Plan—a project between the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres (BCAAFC) and the Federation of Community Social Services of BC to develop a labour market strategy for the community social services sector in BC.

This survey asks frontline workers in the community social services sector who work directly with clients about their experiences with stress and burnout. It is not about assessing if burnout exists. We know it does. We want to know how your experiences with stress and burnout have changed in recent years, if current approaches to mitigating stress and burnout are effective, and—most importantly—your opinions about what needs to change.

Your contributions to this survey are vital to shaping relevant, actionable strategies for reducing stress and burnout in the workplace. Your responses will be kept confidential and only generalized results will be shared with decision-makers to inform policy recommendations around addressing stress and burnout through training and education. If you would prefer to discuss this topic over the phone or via Zoom please contact Rebecca Ataya ( Lang or Kelly Cubbon (

Thank you for contributing to a better understanding of stress and burnout and helping to shape solutions that will benefit our sector. At the end of the survey, you can enter your email for a chance to win one of two $75 VISA gift cards.