Recognizing and Combatting Antisemitism

with the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) Wednesday, April 26th 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM (PST) At this workshop, our learning begins with an overview of the Jewish people highlighting their cultural, religious, and national diversity. We then introduce the topic of antisemitism: how it is defined, how it ...Read More

Motivational Interview Informed Wraparound and High Fidelity Wraparound

Promising Practice Models that Provide a Holistic Approach Tuesday, April 4th 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM (PST) High Fidelity Wraparound is a team-based planning process intended to provide individualized, coordinated, and family-driven care that will meet the complex needs of youth, adu ...Read More

2022 Select Standing Committee Presentation

Every year, The Federation makes a submission and presents to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. It is an opportunity for individuals and organizations to share their thoughts, ideas, and priorities regarding provincial services and funding decisions. This year, our submission a ...Read More

Join the Reconciliation Book Club

Take another step toward reconciliation You have probably heard, over the past few years, Federation staff and board members speaking about our organization’s commitment to reconciliation and resurgence. Most of you probably know that The Federation has MOU’s with the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres and ...Read More

Police Act Reform Submission

In December, the BC government appointed a Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act. The committee’s mandate was to examine, inquire into, and make recommendations to the government on reforms related to the modernization of policing in our province. (A committee was initially appointed in July, but the 2020 provincial ...Read More

Community Social Services Training Fund

One year ago this month, as part of the 2020 provincial budget, we were told that BC’s community social services sector would be receiving funds for training and professional development. We were told that the funding, while one-time-only, would be managed by the sector itself and devoted to “build capacity, supp ...Read More

Youth Education Bursary

Supporting young people who want to support others As most of you now know, when I was first considering joining The Federation crew, the Youth Education Bursary was one of the things that really drew me to this organization. And since I took on this role, it has consistently surprised and inspired me over the ...Read More

Looking Forward: Roles at The Federation Team for 2021

Last week, I offered a bit of a road map in terms of where The Federation was headed in 2021—highlighting some of the biggest issues and initiatives ahead of us. This week I want to take a moment to re-introduce you to the staff team that will be focused on doing this important work. There have been ...Read More

Looking Forward: The Year Ahead at The Federation

The dual delays of the COVID-19 pandemic and the provincial election halted work on a number of our key initiatives and priority issues. But the new year has found The Federation team busy at work meeting and engaging with our government colleagues and we are keen to push the agenda forward on these item ...Read More

Reflecting on a year like no other…

This has been a challenging and scary year for all of us. And as we head into, quite literally, the last and darkest days of 2020, it would be easy to focus on all of the negatives. Indeed, the news this week about the delay in Temporary Pandemic Pay may have been one more reason to send us down that road. However, I ...Read More