COVID-19 Information for Social Services

Supporting the health and welfare of vulnerable populations during the pandemic requires balancing measures that need to be taken to prevent transmission of COVID-19 against the risks of withdrawing your essential services such as housing/shelter, food security, mental health supports, personal care, overdose prevention, harm reduction. Inform ...Read More

COVID-19 Update for Members

As many of you know, events are being cancelled, businesses are closing, and BC’s top doctor, Dr. Bonnie Henry, is urging people to follow directions regarding hand hygiene, social distancing, and self-quarantine. Given the frequent updates and nature of these precautions, we wanted to let our members know what we are ...Read More

An Important Leadership 2020 Update

In November, The Federation’s 13th cohort of Leadership 2020 graduates completed the program. They joined the ranks over 400 alumni from across BC who have participated since 2011. Around the same time, we started to plan The Federation’s initiatives and resource allocation for this upcoming year. As part ...Read More

A new year at The Federation: Changes & Opportunities

1. Our continuing mission… For many of us, the beginning of a new year is an opportunity to reflect on where we’ve come from and where we want to go in the months ahead. Over the past twelve months, we experienced a number of significant changes at The Federation and, through a lot of hard work a ...Read More

2019 Annual General Meeting Recap

Thank you to those of you who attended our Conference and Annual General Meeting in Penticton last month. It was a full two days of learning, sharing, and connecting. Below is a review of some key items for those that weren’t there (and those who might appreciate a recap). Annual Report At the AGM, I shared The Federat ...Read More

Addressing Recruitment & Retention: Addressing Recruitment & Retention: The Social Services Labour Market Research Project

Over the past few months, The Federation and our partners at the Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC BC) and the Community Social Services Employers’ Association of BC (CSSEA) have been conducting labour market research to ...Read More

The Federation’s Award for Excellence

Taking time to recognize the work of our colleagues is important. It’s why The Federation devotes time to things like honouring retiring members, thanking outgoing board members, and sharing accreditation news. It’s also why we created the Award for Excellence all the way back in 1995. The work we do in this sector ...Read More

Building Strong & Sustainable Community Social Services

Last February, the 2018 Social Policy Forum identified and focused on four of the key factors affecting the sustainability and capacity of British Columbia’s community social services sector: Inclusive and culturally safe workplaces Attraction and retention Supervision and training A coordinated sy ...Read More

What it means to be a part of this Federation

It was great to see so many of you at The Federation’s October Conference and General Meeting last week. And I am very happy to announce that our Federation is even stronger after welcoming the Prince George Native Friendship Centre and The Foundry as new members. The theme of this conference—Caring for Our ...Read More

On Being a Leader: A Leadership 2020 Update

This week’s Federation update is coming to you from our Director of Programs and Services, Rebecca Ataya-Lang, who is overseeing the Leadership 2020 program. A simple but powerful question Those of you who are history buffs will know that Helen of Troy was famously described by the playwright and poet Ch ...Read More