Things to remember in tough times

Between the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, increasing action and attention around racial justice and police violence, and the blanket of smoke resulting from the tragic fires wreaking havoc in California, Oregon, and Washington, I am reminded of the extent to which we are all inextricably connected on this small planet of ...Read More

Funding for Training, Health & Safety

Back in February, as part of the 2020 provincial budget, we were told that BC’s community social services sector would be receiving funds for training and professional development. We were told that the funding, while one-time-only, would be managed by the sector itself and would include funds specifically earmarked f ...Read More

A commitment to caring

Over the past few months, in the midst of this giant, challenging mess we all find ourselves in, The Federation team has been talking to our members every week—on calls, and virtual meetings, and weekly check-ins on Thursdays. Hearing our member’s voices has been truly enriching and hopeful. It has been a weird benefit to come ou ...Read More

Projects and Issues Update

For the past several months, we have focused our attention on supporting you and your organizations through the COVID-19 pandemic. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other important issues and projects we are working on. We understand very well that many of the issues Federation members were struggling with before the public ...Read More

Response Paper: Building BC’s Recovery, Together

Over the past month, the BC government has been soliciting feedback, ideas, and priorities for our province’s economic recovery. The discussion paper, Building BC’s Recovery, Together, asked key questions like: What do we need to do together to strengthen and improve our health care system? Wha ...Read More

BC Social Care Oral History Project

All the way back in 2011, The Federation and the United Community Services Coop (now Realize Strategies) partnered on a pilot project to interview social sector leaders and document the oral history of their careers and of the sector at large. We were really excited about the opportunity and even had a potential fund ...Read More

Federation Research Bulletin: July 2020

This month’s research bulletin includes new articles and reports about youth substance use, treatment needs and barriers to accessing services, hospital stays relate to youth substance use, and a systematic review of youth substance use interventions. Youth Substance Use Services in BC: An Update (2020) Assessing ...Read More

Summer Reconciliation Reading List

Summer is upon us! And while this summer already feels quite different from years past, there are familiar things that I am looking forward to—and one of those things is sitting back and digging into a new book or two or three. We may not be able to travel as far or take part in the same summer activities we may be us ...Read More

2020 Select Standing Committee Submission

Every year, The Federation presents during the consultations of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. This year was no different. (Although our presentation was done virtually rather than in-person, for the first time.) Our submission and presentation highlighted both the strength an ...Read More

National Indigenous Peoples Day

This Sunday is National Indigenous Peoples Day. Normally at this time, we would be sharing various events and celebrations that are taking place around the province. This year, we will all have to take a slightly different approach—re-thinking what it means to celebrate during a pandemic, re-learning the oft-ignored hist ...Read More