Celebrate BC Child and Youth in Care Week

The Federation is a proud member of the BC Youth in Care Advisory Committee and we are excited to help raise awareness about BC Child and Youth in Care Week taking place June 4–10, 2018.

Proclaimed by the province of British Columbia in 2011, BC Child and Youth in Care Week is a time for people in communities across the province to stand in support and celebration of our province’s incredible, diverse young people in government care. It’s an opportunity to recognize our young people and their communities of care while helping to reduce the stigma they face.

We know many of you host Child and Youth in Care Week events in your local community. Some members, like Foster Parent Support Services Society, host these events along with MCFD.

“We partner with MCFD local offices, DAA’s, and other community partners to help demonstrate to children and youth in care that there is a community of adults around them who are dedicated to working together to support, mentor, and care for them.” – Dan Malone, FPSSS

Supporting young people in and from care is an issue that will always be important to this Federation and it’s a key part of our history as an organization. While not all of our current members support young people in care directly, many of you do so indirectly—or unknowingly—or support adults who were once a youth in care.

You can learn more about BC Child and Youth in Care Week, share your event details, see other events, and find information about art contests and youth awards here: www.bcchildandyouthincareweek.com

I encourage you to find an event happening near you, share our Youth Education Bursary with your networks (the deadline to apply is May 4th), and help us make sure young people in care know they are a valued part of our communities!

Rick FitzZaland
Federation Executive Director