person using laptop computer | photo by christin hume

RCY Systemic Review Survey

Dear Service Providers,

The Office of the Representative for Children and Youth (RCY) is conducting a review of the government system serving children, youth, and families. As part of this important initiative, we invite individuals from various backgrounds to participate in surveys focused on specific areas within that system.

We encourage participation from individuals with insights and experiences in the following areas:

  • Family/Kin within the Child Welfare System: If you are a family member or kin involved in the government child and family serving system, we value your perspective. Your feedback will help us better understand the challenges and strengths of working with the Ministry of Children and Family Development and Indigenous Child and Family Service Agencies.
  • Foster Caregivers: Foster caregivers play a crucial role in providing safe and supportive environments for children and youth in care. Your input is vital in identifying areas for improvement and ensuring the well-being of children in foster care.
  • Residential Caregivers for Children and Youth in Care: Those working in residential care settings offer essential support to children and youth who require a higher level of care. Your insights will assist us in enhancing the quality of care provided in residential facilities.
  • Community Service Sector Professionals: Community service sector professionals are pivotal in supporting families involved in the child and family-serving government system. Your feedback will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the needs and challenges faced by families seeking support.

Your participation in these surveys will help inform our review process and guide recommendations for positive change within the government. We value diverse perspectives and welcome your input.

To participate in the surveys, please click on the respective links below:

Your responses will remain confidential, and your input will be instrumental in shaping the futures of our province’s children, youth, and families.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Tracey Eyles, Systemic Review Lead, Family and Community Engagement, at 1-800-476-3933.

Please distribute these surveys to your networks to help raise the voices of those involved with child, youth, and family-serving government systems.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.