Weekly Update Blog

In a fast-paced sector constantly changing, our members need regular information and updates on policy changes, government priorities, research, and program updates. That’s why our Executive Director posts a sector update each week for all of our members. Those posts appear here the following week.

Research Bulletin August 2018: Seniors and Aging

This month’s research bulletin is sharing research, reviews, analyses, and evaluations on issues related to seniors and aging. This is a broad area of interest so we cast a big […]

The Canada Revenue Agency, charities, and political activities

Earlier this month, the Ontario Superior Court passed a ground-breaking ruling that struck down restrictions related to charities and political activities. Prior to this ruling, organizations that publicly criticized or recommended changes […]

The Research to Practice Network: A long-term study on street-Involved youth

In November, I had the privilege of announcing the return of The Federation’s Research to Practice Network. Now, six months later, we are excited to begin sharing the articles and summaries […]

Poverty Reduction in BC

Last week, the BC government released a report called What We Heard About Poverty in BC. It reflects the feedback collected from thousands of people across the province who participated […]

Statement: Appointment of BC’s next Representative for Children and Youth

Earlier today, an all-party special committee of BC’s Legislative Assembly unanimously recommended that Jennifer Charlesworth be appointed as British Columbia’s next Representative for Childen and Youth. The Federation has released […]

Announcing the Apprentice Circle

For as long as I have held this role, The Federation has always understood the value of trying new things. It’s how we approach many of our programs and services—our […]

Research Bulletin July 2018: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma-Informed Care

This month’s bulletin focuses on research, reports, and evaluations related to trauma-informed care, adverse childhood experiences, and the implementation of trauma-informed approaches to care. The first two reports are companion pieces—the first looks […]

The Federation’s 2018 Annual Report

The past year was a very eventful and very significant one for The Federation. We began the year preparing for an important provincial election—partnering with Federation members on a series of editorials, creating a […]

Introducing the Reconciliation Book Club

Next week at our June Conference in Penticton, we will be honouring National Aboriginal Day with the launch of The Federation’s Reconciliation Book Club! Many of our members have expressed that […]

Editorial on BC’s residential resources for youth in care

This week, Bernard Richard shared his worries about what he describes as a “lack of appropriate ministry oversight” when it comes to staffed residential resources. In response, Minister Conroy has ordered a review of […]