The Federation’s Youth Education Bursary

“When I turned 11, I was placed into foster care and separated from my siblings. From my very rocky and unstable journey through the foster care system, I knew I wanted to help children who were being put into a situation that was out of their control. I decided on a career in social work, and now because of th ...Read More

Living into reconciliation: moving forward

Last week, The Federation’s Reconciliation Action Group met to reflect on the October Conference and to discuss how our organization can continue living into reconciliation. Some of the group members shared that they will be taking the Kairos Blanket Exercise Training this week. Another member’s agency recently part ...Read More

Strengthening our federation: Connecting with members and increasing engagement

“Community engagement means listening to the voices, needs, and ideas of the community. It means reporting back on the outcomes of engagement and honouring people’s time and ideas.” – Federation Member Last week in this space, I reflected on the road trip I took when I starte ...Read More

Connection, understanding, and collaboration

When I started this job, I devoted time to a road trip across B.C. I wanted to visit and speak with as many Federation members as possible. I wanted to learn about your needs, goals, worries, and ideas. I wanted to start the job by connecting with and understanding this Federation. One of the things I heard over a ...Read More

The Federation’s second member survey report is out now!

Earlier this year, The Federation released a report analyzing the data from the 2015 Federation Member Survey and a study done in partnership with the University of Victoria. That report, the first in a series of four, looked at the health and sustainability of B.C.’s community social service sector. Today, I ...Read More

It’s time for change

The B.C. government’s Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services will begin its annual province-wide public consultations next week. These consultations give citizens, groups, and organizations the opportunity to provide input on the priorities for our next provincial budget. Each fall, The Federation develops a su ...Read More

The Fed’s Communication Strategy: Let us know what’s most important to you

The Federation’s mission is to act as a catalyst for positive change to B.C.’s social policies and community programs. We strive to influence social policy and improve social conditions in our province by building stronger, better informed, and more supportive connections between the sector, ...Read More

2020 Resources – Al Etmanski’s speaking notes from the FCSSBC Social Policy Forum

The political announcement in Tuesday’s budget to increase spending for children in care occurred in large part because FOR THE LAST 15 – 20 YEARS: You spoke up IN DEFENSE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA’S children and families You worked with public service and political allies to prevent further cuts You developed new resources wit ...Read More

Al Etmanski’s speaking notes from the FCSSBC Social Policy Forum

The political announcement in Tuesday’s budget to increase spending for children in care occurred in large part because FOR THE LAST 15 – 20 YEARS: You spoke up IN DEFENSE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA’S children and families You worked with public service and political allies to prevent further cuts You developed new resources with ...Read More