Budgets, Issues, and Action Plans

There’s a lot going on in BC and at The Federation this week so my weekly update will cover a few different topics: this week’s provincial budget, the next steps after our 2018 Social Policy Forum, and ongoing peer support and learning opportunities for Federation members and their staff. 1. Social Policy Forum R ...Read More

Federation Webinar Guide

This guide will help you take part in Adobe Connect webinar meetings with The Federation. Follow the steps in order to prepare for and participate in online webinar meetings. Please note that Federation webinar meetings may be recorded for training and/or future viewing purposes and may be shared with our membership and oth ...Read More

Caregiver Screening Webinar (Nov 2017)

Below is a recording of the first of three online sessions The Federation is hosting for contracted agencies across the province regarding MCFD’s caregiver screening policy changes. Staff from MCFD explain the upcoming changes to organizations providing residential care for BC children and youth. You can view ...Read More

Creating stronger and more sustainable community social services

The past five months have been busy at The Federation. The NDP government’s focus on social issues like poverty and childcare means there are many opportunities for The Federation to engage with decision makers. And we’ve been doing just that. In meetings and consultations and committees we have b ...Read More

Considering Secure Care in BC

The need for, and appropriateness of, safe or secure care has been discussed and debated in British Columbia for nearly two decades. The current overdose crisis has once again brought attention to this ongoing debate. The Federation is tracking and analyzing a lot of different issues and this is definitely one of them. In Mar ...Read More

2017 Select Standing Committee Presentation

Below is the full text of the 2017 Select Standing Committee Presentation submitted by The Federation of Community Social Services of BC.   2017 Select Standing Committee Presentation Thank you for the opportunity to address the committee today. My name is Rick FitzZaland and I am the Executive Director ...Read More