Sign up for our Labour Market Strategy Focus Groups!

Over the past few months, The Federation and our partners at the Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC BC) and the Community Social Services Employers’ Association of BC (CSSEA) have been conducting labour market research to address critical information gaps about our broad sector. The goal of this project is to gain a bett ...Read More

Federation Research Bulletin: April 2019

This month’s research bulletin includes articles and reports about trauma-informed care, childhood well-being, autism evaluations, family supports, childhood maltreatment, borderline personality disorder, and intimate partner violence. The impact of a statewide trauma-informed care initiative in child welfare on the well-b ...Read More

Addressing Recruitment & Retention: Addressing Recruitment & Retention: The Social Services Labour Market Research Project

Over the past few months, The Federation and our partners at the Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC BC) and the Community Social Services Employers’ Association of BC (CSSEA) have been conducting labour market research to ...Read More

Federation Projects & Issues Update

The past week and a half at The Federation office has been very focused on issues arising out of the government’s Sustainable Services Negotiating Mandate. On Monday, I shared with members a letter the Federation Board has sent to BC’s Minister of Finance Carole James. This letter highlighted our growing concerns about ...Read More

Federation Research Bulletin: March 2019

This month’s research bulletin includes articles and reports about harm reduction in BC, substance misuse, vulnerable youth, child exploitation, mental health, social work outcomes, inequality, and reconciliation-informed policy and practice. Vulnerability and child sexual exploitation: Towards an approach groun ...Read More

Political activities and your agency

Over the past six months, The Federation has been tracking developments and informing members about changes to the Income Tax Act regarding the political activities of charities (as well as how such changes may be administered by the Canada Revenue Agency). As part of this work, The Federation also submitted feedbac ...Read More

The Federation’s Award for Excellence

Taking time to recognize the work of our colleagues is important. It’s why The Federation devotes time to things like honouring retiring members, thanking outgoing board members, and sharing accreditation news. It’s also why we created the Award for Excellence all the way back in 1995. The work we do in this sector ...Read More

Research Bulletin February 2019: Social Sector Collaboration

This month’s research bulletin focuses on articles and reports about successful collaboration and improving collaborative initiatives in the social sector. The reports below explore the interpersonal and systemic aspects of collaborative efforts as well as the factors and approaches that lend ...Read More

Altogether better: Help us tell the stories of social care in BC

As many of you know, next month with be marked as Community Social Service Awareness Month in BC. It is an opportunity to recognize and raise awareness about the value of social care and the impact our sector has on the lives of vulnerable children, youth, and families in this province. Th ...Read More

Early Years Community Sessions

We at The Federation believe that there is wisdom to be found in different and differing perspectives. We believe that the best community social services are built upon local knowledge and strong relationships. And we believe that the intentional inclusion of many voices is integral to creating lasting change. Over the pa ...Read More