Report on the 2019 Budget Consultations & Social Services Investments

Last fall, the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services held public consultations on the upcoming provincial budget. This process happens every year—and every year The Federation presents to the committee and provides input on what we believe should be the prioritie ...Read More

Legislative Roundup and Recap 2018

The Federation’s focus on advocacy takes different forms at different times. But a big part of this work involves closely monitoring legislative changes and policy developments that affect the well-being of British Columbians. That’s why we’re providing summaries of some of the changes that will affect our sector and ...Read More

Research Bulletin November 2018: Income Supports and Services

This month’s research bulletin focuses on research and reports related to income and disability supports, poverty reduction, and welfare-related service delivery. The articles and reports below discuss income supports for the working poor, asset-based poverty reduction, supporting employment ...Read More

Legalization of Cannabis: Implications, Resources, and Research for Federation Members

At the October Conference, we hosted an Open Space session focused on concerns about the legalization of cannabis. Members hosted sessions focused on HR implications, practice implications, the history of how Canada got to this place, and what the future might look like. Following that session, The Federation commi ...Read More

Charities and Political Activities: Update and Next Steps

Last month, federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau tabled a motion in the House of Commons that would, among other things, amend Canada’s Income Tax Act in order to “remove the limits on political activities for charities, so that they may pursue their charitable purposes by engaging in non-partis ...Read More

Research Bulletin October 2018: Substance Use, Treatment, and Recovery

This month’s research bulletin focuses on research and reports related to substance use, treatment, and recovery as well as perceptions and stigma related to drug use and the ongoing overdose crisis. The articles and reports below discuss strategies for improving recovery services and ...Read More

What it means to be a part of this Federation

It was great to see so many of you at The Federation’s October Conference and General Meeting last week. And I am very happy to announce that our Federation is even stronger after welcoming the Prince George Native Friendship Centre and The Foundry as new members. The theme of this conference—Caring for Our ...Read More

October Projects and Issues Update

As always, The Federation has been focused on a number of ongoing projects and issues on behalf of our members. Your board members, Rebecca, and I have been advocating and bringing forward issues and concerns (as well as ideas, approaches, and solutions) in meetings and on calls. And behind the scenes, our staff team ...Read More

Poverty Reduction in BC: New Legislation & Next Steps

Last week, our provincial government tabled the Poverty Reduction Act (Bill 39). The proposed legislation uses the Market Basket Measure (which is now Canada’s official poverty line measure) and identifies the following targets—decreasing the overall poverty rate by 25% and the child poverty rate by 50 ...Read More

The Research to Practice Network: Gender-Based Violence and Ideas of Honour

A few months ago, The Federation re-launched our Research to Practice Network with an excellent summary of a long-term study about street-involved youth. This month, we are excited to release another great piece of learning for those of us working in the social care sector. “Daughters of Honour” In this new articl ...Read More