The past five months have been busy at The Federation. The NDP government’s focus on social issues like poverty and childcare means there are many opportunities for The Federation to engage with decision makers. And we’ve been doing just that.
In meetings and consultations and committees we have b ...Read More
Research Bulletin December 2017: Creating a strong, sustainable sector
/in Research Bulletin, Weekly Update /by Amy MullisWe’ve spent the last month (among many other things) tracking research, analyses, and evaluations from across Canada that can help inform and improve service delivery in BC.
This month’s research bulletin shares research that analyzes and addresses issues related to the strength and sustainability of our sect ...Read More
The Federation’s Youth Education Bursary and Holiday Giving
/in Federation News, Weekly Update /by Amy Mullis“There was a point in life where I thought I could never succeed or amount to anything. Receiving this award really gives me a sense of purpose in my career and in life. It gives me confidence going forward in my post-secondary education and provides me with hope. Thank you so much for all you have don ...Read More
Considering Secure Care in BC
/in Federation News, Member Engagement, Weekly Update /by Amy MullisThe need for, and appropriateness of, safe or secure care has been discussed and debated in British Columbia for nearly two decades. The current overdose crisis has once again brought attention to this ongoing debate. The Federation is tracking and analyzing a lot of different issues and this is definitely one of them.
In Mar ...Read More
Research Bulletin November 2017: Sector Issues
/in Research Bulletin, Weekly Update /by Amy MullisThe relaunch of The Federation’s (new and improved) research bulletins in August was met with a great and positive response. Since then, we have continued to track research, analyses, and evaluations that can help inform and improve service delivery in BC.
This issue reviews and shares research that explains, analyzes an ...Read More
Conversation & Collaboration: Engaging with the BC’s social care ministries
/in Federation News, Weekly Update /by Amy MullisLast week’s ‘Building on Success’ conference was a big success. Over two days, The Federation and MCFD brought together practitioners and leaders from across the province—and across the sector—to examine and explore some of the promising practices emerging in BC’s child, family, and communi ...Read More
2017 Select Standing Committee Presentation
/in Federation News, Member Engagement, Weekly Update /by Amy MullisBelow is the full text of the 2017 Select Standing Committee Presentation submitted by The Federation of Community Social Services of BC.
2017 Select Standing Committee Presentation
Thank you for the opportunity to address the committee today. My name is Rick FitzZaland and I am the Executive Director ...Read More
Advocating for sustainable social services
/in Federation News, Weekly Update /by Amy MullisEarlier this week, I stood before the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government services on behalf of all Federation members. I explained to them the importance of community social services in BC and I told them that well-funded community social services are a necessity if BC’s communities are to prosper ...Read More
Making our voice heard: Engaging with BC’s new government
/in Federation News, Weekly Update /by Amy MullisEarlier this month, BC’s NDP government released their first budget which mapped out an initial financial plan for our province. I was, like many of you, happy to see new social spending (even though some bigger promises were noticeably delayed) and the overall reaction to the budget has been mainly positive. Importantly, it also pro ...Read More
Supporting our youth: Tuition waivers and the Youth Education Bursary
/in Federation News, Weekly Update /by Amy MullisLast Friday, like so many of you, I was thrilled to hear that the Provincial Government has expanded it’s tuition waiver program to include all 25 of BC’s public post-secondary institutions. It is a step in the right direction to provide meaningful support to young people who have bee ...Read More
Contact Info
The Federation of Community Social Services of BC
102 - 739 Kings Road
Victoria, BC, V8T 1W4
T: 250.480.7387
Our committment to reconciliation and decolonization includes recognizing that our work takes place on the unceded lands of many First Nations. In all that we do, The Federation strives to create more equitable relationships for and with our Indigenous partners and community members.
About The Federation
The Federation of Community Social Services of BC has been a provincial leader in the child, youth, adult, and family serving field for 40 years. We provide tools and supports that enable BC’s community social services to do their best work. Read more »