Earlier this year, The Federation released a report analyzing the data from the 2015 Federation Member Survey and a study done in partnership with the University of Victoria.
That report, the first in a series of four, looked at the health and sustainability of B.C.’s community social service sector. Today, I ...Read More
It’s time for change
/in Federation News, Weekly Update /by Amy MullisThe B.C. government’s Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services will begin its annual province-wide public consultations next week. These consultations give citizens, groups, and organizations the opportunity to provide input on the priorities for our next provincial budget. Each fall, The Federation develops a su ...Read More
The Fed’s Communication Strategy: Let us know what’s most important to you
/in Federation News, Weekly Update /by Amy MullisThe Federation’s mission is to act as a catalyst for positive change to B.C.’s social policies and community programs.
We strive to influence social policy and improve social conditions in our province by building stronger, better informed, and more supportive connections between the sector, ...Read More
Contact Info
The Federation of Community Social Services of BC
102 - 739 Kings Road
Victoria, BC, V8T 1W4
T: 250.480.7387
E: info@fcssbc.ca
Our committment to reconciliation and decolonization includes recognizing that our work takes place on the unceded lands of many First Nations. In all that we do, The Federation strives to create more equitable relationships for and with our Indigenous partners and community members.
About The Federation
The Federation of Community Social Services of BC has been a provincial leader in the child, youth, adult, and family serving field for 40 years. We provide tools and supports that enable BC’s community social services to do their best work. Read more »