Remembering what is most important

You and I and every other British Columbian will be voting for the next provincial government between now and October 24th. This election may look and feel a little different than those in the past, but the fundamental issues that we will be deciding—the options before us and the values that are at play—are very much the same.

At election time, the inclination can often be to focus on the things we are most bothered about right here and now. And I understand very well that there are some things we are upset and frustrated about at the moment. But I want to encourage you to think about the larger, long-term goals that we all share—the things that we have been working toward together for years, the recent progress we have made, and the structural changes and policy shifts that will have a profound and long-lasting effect on our sector and the people we serve.

A strong and sustainable social services sector

This is our Federation’s long-term goal—to create a strong and sustainable community social services sector. We made this commitment prior to the last provincial election, during our 2017 Social Policy Forum. It was inspired and driven by you, our members, and it also identified the four key factors that would be a central part of this work.

  • Inclusive and culturally safe workplaces
  • Attraction and retention
  • Supervision and training
  • A coordinated system of care

When we think about making important choices, like whether or not to vote or who to vote for, these are the themes and ideas that I believe should guide our decision-making.

Under which government has our sector made the most progress on the above issues? Which party do you think is going to keep our sector engaged over the next four years? Who do you think is more likely to commit resources to making things better for women fleeing violence, kids in care, vulnerable seniors, and families living in poverty? Look at your mission and vision and think about what it will mean for your organization, your staff, and your clients if one party wins over the other.

If that last paragraph sounded less than impartial, that’s because it wasn’t. There is a lot at stake in this election and while we are acutely aware of the need to be non-partisan, The Federation is an organization fundamentally oriented towards social justice. And that commitment was determined and motivated directly by our membership. We, like you, demand a society that better serves, represents, and respects the people you serve and employ.

Get out the vote

Historically, low voter turnout often leads to government decision-making that prioritizes the needs of the elite at the expense of marginalized or vulnerable community members. So, over the coming weeks, The Federation team will also be encouraging you, your staff, and your clients to get out and vote. Included below are resources and information to support you in doing so and we will share more over the coming weeks. As always, if you have questions about this strategy, the election, or election-related issues, please do not hesitate to contact me or Rebecca.

Rick FitzZaland
Executive Director


Election Resources and Information

CBC News has compiled a list of all candidates nominated in all ridings (updated daily). The deadline for candidates to be declared and approved by Elections BC is October 2nd so check back between now and then for changes.

You can request a vote by mail package from Elections BC here (click on the grey button at the bottom of the page).

Elections BC also has also compiled information about services for at-risk voters and voters with disabilities and has collected translated election materials in 17 different languages.

You can use this map to find your electoral district (also known as a riding or constituency). Please note, the map can take a few seconds to load.