The Representative’s report and reconciliation

Last week, the Representative for Children and Youth, Bernard Richard, released a report on the sustainability and capacity issues faced by the delegated aboriginal agencies in this province. If you have not yet read this report I encourage you to do so.

The scale and breadth of these issues should be a concern for everyone working in the social care sector.

The underfunding of resources for Indigenous families is a systemic problem. For things to change, the entire sector needs to better understand the inequalities that undermine attempts to support and nurture vulnerable families.

We have been in contact with the representative and his team and are exploring ways we can work together to address some of these shared concerns.

As you know, The Federation remains committed to reconciliation. Our reconciliation action group is busy mapping ways to continue this important work as part of our June Conference.

Be sure to save the date (June 22 & 23) and think about which of your staff can join us in Penticton. You can read the above-mentioned RCY report here.