Weekly Update Blog

In a fast-paced sector constantly changing, our members need regular information and updates on policy changes, government priorities, research, and program updates. That’s why our Executive Director posts a sector update each week for all of our members. Those posts appear here the following week.

The Federation’s priorities for BC’s new NDP government

John Horgan will be sworn in as BC’s next Premier on July 18, the same day his NDP government take power. The swearing in at Government House in Victoria will […]

Conference reflections and next steps for The Federation

The Federation’s June Conference and AGM in Penticton took steps down two important paths. On one hand, we endeavoured to create a space grounded in understanding as we imagined new […]

Read The Federation’s 2016-17 Annual Report

The Federation’s mission is to be a catalyst for positive change to British Columbia’s social policies and community programs. This year’s Annual Report reflects that goal and details the many […]

Reconciliation in Action: Moving forward, together

The Federation’s June Conference, Reconciliation in Action, takes place next week in Penticton. We started this work at our conference last October where we framed reconciliation as a continuous way […]

Engaging with our next provincial government: planning and positioning

Just like many of you, we at The Federation office have been watching closely the results of the BC election and the media coverage of the unexpected, unprecedented results. The legislature […]

Reconciliation in action: creating opportunities to think about things differently

If you attended our October conference in Richmond or have been reading these weekly updates you will know that reconciliation is one area of work The Federation remains focused on. […]

It’s time to have our say: every vote matters

Election day is less than a week away. Over the past months we’ve worked hard to put social issues on the agenda of candidates and strived to help you, our […]

BC Election: The key issues and our questions for the main parties

The provincial election on May 9 is drawing close. As we did in the last provincial election, The Federation has sent a series of questions on key issues to each […]

Save the date: The Federation’s June conference and AGM

The Federation’s 35 Annual General Meeting will take place on the morning of Friday, June 23rd at the Penticton Lakeside Resort. The AGM will follow Thursday’s Reconciliation in Action Conference […]

The BC Election: Putting social issues on the agenda

Those of you who have been following The Federation’s election strategy efforts will know that our organization is focusing on two main goals: We want social issues to make it onto […]