Blog Posts and Updates

Changes happen quickly in our sector. Check this space for Weekly Updates from our Executive director, news releases, issue tracking, and posts from our leadership blog.

COVID-19 and Kids (and a survey)

Over the past few weeks, we have been getting more information about how COVID-19 is affecting children in particular. The slides from Dr. Behn Smith’s presentation during the MCFD Town […]

Going Forward: Plans, Approaches, and Considerations

Last week, Premier Horgan announced the measured approach that BC will be taking as our province moves forward in its ongoing response to COVID-19. This approach aims to balance vital […]

On getting through this together

As the Federation Board President, I find myself in a unique position during these complex times. I am both the Executive Director of a community organization and part of the […]

Projects & Issues Update: COVID-19, Roundtable, MCFD Services HUB

From the beginning of this public health crisis, we have been very aware that the community social services sector is responding in ways that we may not have expected or […]

On knowing how to do the right thing…

The past few weeks have been especially challenging and stressful for everyone involved in BC’s community social services sector. Two weeks ago, our Executive Director wrote about the many ways […]

Projects & Issues Update: COVID-19, Labour Market Research, HR Strategy, Research

The Federation team talks a lot about how interconnected our work is—how our leadership development work is also related to our recruitment and retention work and how our commitment to […]

Social Services in a Time of Crisis

One of the messages that The Federation has been using for many, many years describes our sector as one of three legs of a stool. The point this makes is […]

COVID-19: Updates, Supports & Resources for Federation Members

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, we are doing our very best to keep Federation members informed and up-to-date. We are in constant communication with our members, government colleagues, and sector […]

COVID-19 Information for Social Services

Supporting the health and welfare of vulnerable populations during the pandemic requires balancing measures that need to be taken to prevent transmission of COVID-19 against the risks of withdrawing your […]

COVID-19 Update for Members

As many of you know, events are being cancelled, businesses are closing, and BC’s top doctor, Dr. Bonnie Henry, is urging people to follow directions regarding hand hygiene, social distancing, […]