Blog Posts and Updates

Changes happen quickly in our sector. Check this space for Weekly Updates from our Executive director, news releases, issue tracking, and posts from our leadership blog.

Early Years Community Sessions

We at The Federation believe that there is wisdom to be found in different and differing perspectives. We believe that the best community social services are built upon local knowledge […]

The Youth Education Bursary

When I was first joined The Federation team years ago, the Youth Education Bursary was one of the things that really drew me to the organization and inspired me as I took […]

Research Bulletin January 2019: Social Determinants of Health

This month’s research bulletin focuses on articles and reports related to the social determinants of health—the social, economic, and political conditions that affect the health and wellbeing of people, communities, […]

Building Strong & Sustainable Community Social Services

Last February, the 2018 Social Policy Forum identified and focused on four of the key factors affecting the sustainability and capacity of British Columbia’s community social services sector: Inclusive and […]

Early Years Community Consultations

From January to March, MCFD, ECL Early Childhood Consulting, and The Federation of Community Social Services of BC are teaming up to host brand-new training and dialogue sessions for early […]

Report on the 2019 Budget Consultations & Social Services Investments

Last fall, the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services held public consultations on the upcoming provincial budget. This process happens every year—and every year The Federation presents to […]

Legislative Roundup and Recap 2018

The Federation’s focus on advocacy takes different forms at different times. But a big part of this work involves closely monitoring legislative changes and policy developments that affect the well-being […]

Research Bulletin November 2018: Income Supports and Services

This month’s research bulletin focuses on research and reports related to income and disability supports, poverty reduction, and welfare-related service delivery. The articles and reports below discuss income supports for the […]

Legalization of Cannabis: Implications, Resources, and Research for Federation Members

At the October Conference, we hosted an Open Space session focused on concerns about the legalization of cannabis. Members hosted sessions focused on HR implications, practice implications, the history of […]

Charities and Political Activities: Update and Next Steps

Last month, federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau tabled a motion in the House of Commons that would, among other things, amend Canada’s Income Tax Act in order to “remove the limits on […]