Blog Posts and Updates

Changes happen quickly in our sector. Check this space for Weekly Updates from our Executive director, news releases, issue tracking, and posts from our leadership blog.

Training & Learning Opportunities

One thing we hear a lot from members is the need for local training opportunities—especially from those members that aren’t based in the south-west corner of the province. This is […]

Federation Research Bulletin: October 2019

This month’s research bulletin includes new articles and reports about preventing child neglect and maltreatment, family preservation, foster parent training and supports, care proceedings, recurring interactions with the family justice […]

Issues, Advocacy, and Election Resources

This week we are sharing info about a new section of The Federation website devoted to tracking the issues and advocacy efforts we’re working on and providing Federation members some […]

Federation Research Bulletin: September 2019

This month’s research bulletin includes articles and reports about adoption, permanency, child protection case management, family preservation, women fleeing abuse, housing needs of women fleeing violence, and mobility and work […]

The Research to Practice Network: Mental Health Literacy and Community Social Service Practice

Last year, The Federation re-launched our Research to Practice Network with two popular short articles on street-involved youth and gender-based violence. This month, we are excited to share another piece […]

The MCFD/Federation October Conference in Richmond

There is very little The Federation undertakes that we do truly on our own. A commitment to working collaboratively is woven through our strategic plan and our values for good […]

Federation Research Bulletin: August 2019

This month’s research bulletin includes articles and reports about Indigenous child mental health, cross-sector collaboration and interventions, legal approaches to family preservation, the effect of supportive housing on child welfare, […]

The Community Social Services Health & Safety Council

A few weeks ago in this space, I introduced to Federation members a new initiative to support BC’s community social services sector—a health and safety council. Many other sectors and […]

Advocacy and Opportunities: The New Social Sector Roundtable

Over the past few years, one of the most intentional and important areas of focus for The Federation has been the strength and sustainability of the community social services sector. […]